Category: Mortgage Broker Tips

How to Become a Savvy First-Time Home Buyer

Did you know that about 80 per cent of millionaires made their first million in real estate? Home ownership is the single largest source of savings for Canadian households. And with increasing housing prices, it's even more important for first-time buyers to get a foot on the first ring of the property ladder.  So what are [...]

What To Expect From the Mortgage Industry in 2018

What To Expect From the Mortgage Industry in 2018 The new mortgage rules, which officially took effect on January 1st, 2018, have been cast by the media as a dark cloud hanging over the head of homebuyers. But, the truth is, there is still plenty of opportunity for first-time buyers, those looking to upgrade, and [...]

Is now the right time to renew your mortgage?

Is Now the Right Time to Renew Your Mortgage? The new mortgage rules, which officially took effect on January 1st, 2018, are taking over headlines in the media. But a recent survey found over a third of Canadians aren’t aware of the new rules at all. Instead, most of the country is simply focused on [...]

4 Ways Home Buyers Will Be Affected By the New Mortgage Rules

4 Ways Home Buyers Will Be Affected By the New Mortgage Rules Feeling stressed about the new “stress test”? Here’s what you need to know… As of January 1st, 2018, all home-buyers will be required to undergo a new “stress test” – regardless of your down payment amount. This will not only reduce how much [...]

Rent Vs. Buy

There’s a social pressure in western culture to become a homeowner. As kids, we live with this expectation that we’ll “grow up” and buy a home of our own one day.